Focus and Scope |
Peer review process |
Publication Ethics |
Online Submissions |
Indexing & Abstracting |
Author Guidelines |
Screening for plagiarism |
About the Journal
The International Journal of Business and Social Science Research (IJBSSR) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to exchanging the academic researchers and professional findings on all aspects of business, economics, and social science.
This is an open access journal publishes monthly on the premise that there is a rising need to more proficiently manage and distribute scholastic concepts and research results in the academic and professional community without undue delay generally encountered in the journal editing process. The journal is operated by a globally oriented editorial board.
Acceptance Rate: 35%-40%
Frequency: 12 Issue (Yearly)
ISSN: 2709-2143
DOI : Prefix 10.47742
Publisher: IARP
Citation Analysis: Google Scholars, Base, LOCKSS, Dimensions, Core, MyJournal OpenAlex